April 19, 2012 at 10:17 am
Contributed by: Chris
I appeared on the Financial Sense with Jim Puplava program today, to discuss the influence of spare capacity and speculators on oil prices; recent reports from the IEA and EIA; the shifting of global oil demand from West to East; and the role of unconventional fuels.
You can download the show (26 mins) here: RealPlayer | WinAmp | Windows Media | MP3
Related articles that came up in the discussion:
Scoring the rhetoric on Obama’s energy policies
Oil demand shift: Asia takes over
A model of oil prices
The cost of new oil supply
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April 18, 2012 at 4:03 pm
Contributed by: Chris
For SmartPlanet this week, I surveyed the production costs of unconventional oil from tight oil shales, tar sands, deepwater, and the Arctic, and suggested that they might make oil unaffordable for the U.S. by 2015. Read it here: The cost of new oil supply
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April 18, 2012 at 12:03 pm
Contributed by: Chris
I have a short piece at Txchnologist this week which pulls together some data from previous articles and new research reports to outline how transportation transition is already under way as people increasingly turn to bikes, ride-sharing and buses to get around. Read it here: Bikes, Car Shares and Buses: The New Transportation Era Is Here
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April 4, 2012 at 9:20 am
Contributed by: Chris
For SmartPlanet this week, I dove deep into the data to explain why recent projections of U.S. oil independence by 2020 are not only wrong, but dangerous and counter-productive in the long run. Read it here: The last sip
April 4, 2012 at 9:16 am
Contributed by: Chris
I have a new article up on the web site Txchnologist, which is owned by GE. It expands upon the data I covered in “Oil demand shift: Asia takes over” and takes a close look at the fuel economy and fleet size of China vs. the U.S. I conclude that China’s rapid adoption of cars will ultimately push the U.S. to move to electric cars and mass transportation. Read it here: China in the Driver’s Seat
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