Investing in Hard Assets
For this week’s Energy and Capital , I look at the moves the big money is making into hard assets, and predict tough times ahead for the dollar and U.S. equities.
For this week’s Energy and Capital , I look at the moves the big money is making into hard assets, and predict tough times ahead for the dollar and U.S. equities.
Here are my notes from the 2009 ASPO-USA Peak Oil Conference, October 11-13, 2009 in Denver, Colorado. Length: 71 pages.
View the Web version below the fold, or download the PDF.
For Green Chip Stocks last week, I offered some insights from the peak oil study that should inform climate policy.
For Energy and Capital last week, I took another look at China’s worldwide resource buying spree and explained why it is becoming the prime mover of global demand for oil and other commodities.
[Part 6 of a series of reports on the 2009 ASPO Peak Oil Conference.]
For Energy and Capital last week, I analyzed the IEA’s 2009 World Energy Outlook and revealed an agency in political shackles, desperate to come clean about peak oil and push the world toward renewables.
For Energy and Capital this past weekend, I reviewed several presentations from the 2009 ASPO-USA Peak Oil Conference on the energy aspects of national security, and found it unsurprising that gun sales are up sharply.
[Part 5 of a series of reports on the 2009 ASPO Peak Oil Conference.]
For Green Chip Stocks last week, I explored some insights about complex systems presented at the 2009 ASPO-USA Peak Oil Conference, including the interdependencies of energy, food, and water.
[Part 4 of a series of reports on the 2009 ASPO Peak Oil Conference.]
Here is part 2 of my first interview with @JeffreyLin of the stock traders’ web site Here’s the video:
Trader Chat: Chris Nelder Pt. 2 – How Will Limited Oil Affect Our Daily Lives?
For last week’s Energy and Capital, I explored some recent research in search of an answer to the question: Can renewables replace fossil fuels?
[Part 3 of a series of reports from the 2009 ASPO Peak Oil Conference.]